
You cannot help another who will not help him or herself. In the end, all souls must walk their path - and the reason they are walking a particular path may not be clear to us... or even to them at the level of ordinary human consciousness. Do what you can to help others, of course. Show love and caring whenever and wherever you can. But do not get caught up in someone else's "story" to the point where you start writing it.

More Quotes by Neale Donald Walsch
God is speaking to all of us, all the time. The question is not, to whom does God talk? The question is, who listens?
Your light is seen, your heart is known, your soul is cherished by more people than you might imagine. If you knew how many others have been touched in wonderful ways by you, you would be astonished. If you knew how many people feel so much for you, you would be shocked. You are far more wonderful than you think you are. Rest with that. Rest easy with that. Breathe again. You are doing fine. More than fine. Better than fine. You’re doin’ great. So relax. And love yourself today.
Consider the possibility that the little obstacles in life are not obstacles at all, but stepping stones.
Everything is falling together perfectly, even though it looks as if some things are falling apart. Trust in the process you are now experiencing.
The purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.
What is needed is not a change of circumstance, but a change of consciousness.
Nothing happens in life by accident. Nothing occurs by chance. Nothing takes place without producing the opportunity for real and lasting benefit to you. The perfection of every moment may not be apparent to you, yet that will make the moment no less perfect.
The struggle ends when gratitude begins.
It doesn't matter what the other is being, doing, having, saying, wanting, demanding. It doesn't matter what the other is thinking, expecting, planning. It only matters what you are being in relationship to that.
Give everyone whose life you touch a sense of their own worthiness as a person, a sense of the true wonder of who they are. Give this gift and you will heal the world.