
Discipline comes through self control. This means that you must control all negative qualities. Before you can control conditions, you must first control yourself. Self-mastery is the hardest job you will ever tackle. If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.

More Quotes by Napoleon Hill
Until you have learned to be tolerant with those who do not always agree with you; until you have cultivated the habit of saying some kind word of those whom you do not admire; until you have formed the habit of looking for the good instead of the bad there is in others, you will be neither successful nor happy.
To succeed in life, succeed at being yourself.
Time is wealth, and unlike money when it is gone you cannot replace it.
Failure cannot cope with persistence.
The man of decision cannot be stopped! The man of indecision cannot be started! Take your own choice.
It is strange, but true, that the most important turning-points of life often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways.
The number one reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors.
Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire brings a small amount of heat.
You will attract to yourself people who harmonize with your own philosophy of life, whether you wish it or not.
It is as true as that night follows day, that the man who does more than he is paid for, and does it in a pleasant mental attitude, sooner or later is paid for more than he does.