
There's a lot of blood, sweat, and guts between dreams and success.

More Quotes by Bear Bryant
The old lessons (work, self-discipline, sacrifice, teamwork, fighting to achieve) aren't being taught by many people other than football coaches these days. The football coach has a captive audience and can teach these lessons because the communication lines between himself and his players are more wide open than between kids and parents. We better teach these lessons or else the country's future population will be made up of a majority of crooks, drug addicts, or people on relief.
Have a plan. Follow the plan, and you'll be surprised how successful you can be. Most people don't have a plan. That's why it's easy to beat most folks.
It's not the will to win that matters-everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters.
The first time you quit, it's hard. The second time, it gets easier. The third time, you don't even have to think about it.
When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it: 1. Admit it. 2. Learn from it, and 3. Don't repeat it.
Expect the unexpected.
Set goals - high goals for you and your organization. When your organization has a goal to shoot for, you create teamwork, people working for a common good.
I have had players who are good, and who know they are good; I have had players who are bad and know they are bad; I have had players who are good, but who don't know they are good; I have had players who are bad, but who don't know they are bad. It is this last group that has won more games for me than the first three groups combined.
Show class, have pride, and display character. If you do, winning takes care of itself.
There is a big difference in wanting to and willing to.