
True worship is open to God, adoring God, waiting for God, trusting God even in the dark.

More Quotes by N.T. Wright
The cross is the surest, truest and deepest window on the very heart and character of the living and loving God.
It's not great faith you need; it is faith in a great God.
Hope, for the Christian, is not wishful thinking or mere blind optimism. It is a mode of knowing, a mode within which new things are possible, options are not shut down, new creation can happen.
You become like what you worship. When you gaze in awe, admiration, and wonder at something or someone, you begin to take on something of the character of the object of your worship.
The message of Easter is that God's new world has been unveiled in Jesus Christ and that you're now invited to belong to it.
Worship is love on its knees before the beloved; just as mission is love on its feet to serve the beloved
God's plan is not to abandon this world, the world which he said was "very good." Rather, he intends to remake it. And when he does he will raise all his people to new bodily life to live in it. That is the promise of the Christian gospel.
Our culture is so fixated on dying and going to heaven when the whole Scripture is about heaven coming to earth.
If you have never felt or known the sheer power and strength of God's love, take another look at Jesus dying on the cross.
From where many of us in the U.K. sit, American politics is hopelessly polarized. All kinds of issues get bundled up into two great heaps. The rest of the world, today and across the centuries, simply doesn't see things in this horribly oversimplified way.