
Sometimes you need to get hit in the head to realize that you're in a fight.

More Quotes by Michael Jordan
Anything can happen if you are willing to put in the work and remain open to the possibility. Dreams are realized by effort, determination, passion and staying connected to that sense of who you are.
Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.
It's not about the shoes, it's what you do in them.
I've never lost a game I just ran out of time.
If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working on it.
Look me in the eye. It’s ok if you’re scared. So am I. But we are scared for different reasons. I am scared of what I won’t become. And you are scared of what I could become. Look at me. I won’t let myself end where I started. I won’t let myself finish where I began. I know what is within me, even if you can’t see it yet. Look me in the eyes. I have something more important than courage. I have patience. I will become what I know I am.
The reason I became such a successful athlete was my mind was saying that no matter who you put up against me, I am better, I am the best.
Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.
Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.
If you do the work you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.