
The next time you're disappointed, don't panic. Don't give up. Just be patient and let God remind you He's still in control.

More Quotes by Max Lucado
No one can pray and worry at the same time. When we worry, we aren't praying. When we pray, we aren't worrying.
Trust God's love. His perfect love. Don't fear He will discover your past. He already has. Don't fear disappointing Him in the future. He can show you the chapter in which you will. With perfect knowledge of the past and perfect vision of the future, He loves you perfectly in spite of both.
Love like there's no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, love again.
God is God. He knows what he is doing. When you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart.
Don't quit. For if you do, you may miss the answer to your prayers.
The Bible is the story of two gardens: Eden and Gethsemane. In the first, Adam took a fall. In the second, Jesus took a stand. In the first, God sought Adam. In the second, Jesus sought God. In Eden, Adam hid from God. In Gethsemane, Jesus emerged from the tomb. In Eden, Satan led Adam to a tree that led to his death. From Gethsemane, Jesus went to a tree that led to our life.
You have a God who hears you, the power of love behind you, the Holy Spirit within you, and all of heaven ahead of you. If you have the Shepherd, you have grace for every sin, direction for every turn, a candle for every corner and an anchor for every storm. You have everything you need.
When you recognize God as Creator, you will admire Him. When you recognize His wisdom, you will learn from Him. When you discover His strength, you will rely on Him. But only when He saves you will you worship Him.
God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.
There is a difference between grace and mercy. Mercy is the decision of God not to punish us. But grace is the decision of God to save and bless us.