
To keep our hand on the plow while wiping away our tears -- THAT is Christianity!

More Quotes by Watchman Nee
There is nothing more tragic than to come to the end of life and know we have been on the wrong course.
Because the Lord Jesus died on the Cross, I have received forgiveness of sins; because the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, I have received new life; because the Lord Jesus has been exalted to the right hand of the Father, I have received the outpoured Spirit. All is because of Him; nothing is because of me.
Not until we take the place of a servant can He take His place as Lord.
The cross grants us position, the Holy Spirit gives us experience.
Separation to God, separation from the world, is the first principle of Christian living.
The 'flesh' is too bad to be cleansed; it must be crucified.
The Christian life from start to finish is based upon this principle of utter dependence upon the Lord Jesus.
The breaking of the alabaster box and the anointing of the Lord filled the house with the odor, with the sweetest odor. Everyone could smell it. Whenever you meet someone who has really suffered; been limited, gone through things for the Lord, willing to be imprisoned by the Lord, just being satisfied with Him and nothing else, immediately you scent the fragrance. There is a savor of the Lord. Something has been crushed, something has been broken, and there is a resulting odor of sweetness.
It does not matter what your personal deficiency, or whether it be a hundred and one different things, God has always one sufficient answer, His Son Jesus Christ, and he is the answer to every need.
A Christian life is an unending engagement on the battlefield.