
Who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone. Who had nothing, who wanted everything.

More Quotes by Lana Del Rey
It’s about a singer who first sneered about my allegedly not authentic style but later she stole and copied it. And now she’s acting like I am the art project and she the true super artist. My God and people actually believe her, she’s successful! I shouldn't continue ranting, it doesn’t get anywhere.
Synchronicites . It's been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. Synchronicities are a sign of divinity. You breathe in deeply and say: 'I don't want anything. I'm going to let things happen'
I've got a war in my mind
It takes getting everything you ever wanted and then losing it, to know what true freedom is.
Everything I do, I do it for somebody I've never met before, something in the great beyond. That's my primary relationship, really, is with something divine. I feel a connection as real with that as I've ever had with anybody on this earth.
What other people think of me is none of my business. Sometimes, it hurts my feelings, but I have to just keep going.
It's just a relief, really. I'm scared to die, but I want to die.
I once had a dreams of becoming a beautiful poet, but upon an unfortunate series of events some of those dreams dashed and divided like a million stars in the night sky that I wished on over and over again, sparkling and broken. But I didn't really mind, because I knew that it takes getting everything you ever wanted, and then losing it to know what true freedom is.
Live fast. Die young. Be wild. Have fun.
When I was young I felt really overwhelmed and confused by the desire not to end up in an office, doing something I didn't believe in.