
Boys laugh at what they put girls through - but they won't be laughing when - they're wiping tears off their daughters face for the same reason.

More Quotes by Will Smith
Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they are going to tell you that you can't do it. You want something, go get it. Period.
10 ways to love: listen, speak, give, pray, answer, share, enjoy, trust, forgive, promise.
If you're absent during my struggle, don't expect to be present during my success.
Believing in yourself is the first step to accomplishing any goal. If you think you're going to fail, you probably will.
Make a choice of what you want, who you want to be and how you're going to do it. The universe will get out of your way.
Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear, to hide every pain.
Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity Kitai. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real, but fear is a choice.
I know who I am, I know what I believe, that's all I need to know. From there, you do what you need to do.
Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions
The road to success is through commitment.