
People have separated from each other with walls of concrete that blocked the roads to connection and love. and Nature has been defeated in the name of development.

More Quotes by Yasunari Kawabata
It's remarkable how we go on year after year, doing the same old things. We get tired and bored, and ask when they'll come for us
A secret, if it's kept, can be sweet and comforting, but once it leaks out it can turn on you with a vengeance.
Lunatics have no age. If we were crazy, you and I, we might be a great deal younger.
Our language is primarily for expressing human goodness and beauty.
I suppose even a woman's hatred is a kind of love.
Seeing the moon, he becomes the moon, the moon seen by him becomes him. He sinks into nature, becomes one with nature. The light of the "clear heart" of the priest, seated in the meditation hall in the darkness before the dawn, becomes for the dawn moon its own light.
Because you cannot see him, God is everywhere.
The true joy of a moonlit night is something we no longer understand. Only the men of old, when there were no lights, could understand the true joy of a moonlit night.
The snow on the distant mountains was soft and creamy, as if veiled in a faint smoke.
Cosmic time is the same for everyone, but human time differs with each person. Time flows in the same way for all human beings; every human being flows through time in a different way.