
When we enlarge our view of the world, we deepen our understanding of our own lives.

More Quotes by Yo-Yo Ma
When your heart and your mind are engaged, you cannot go wrong.
Culture opens our hearts to one another. And the currency in culture is not money, but trust.
The worst thing you can do is say to yourself, "I want to be just like somebody else." You have to absorb knowledge from someone else, but ultimately you have to find your own voice.
Music enhances the education of our children by helping them to make connections and broadening the depth with which they think and feel. If we are to hope for a society of culturally literate people, music must be a vital part of our children's education.
Good things happen when you meet strangers.
Our cultural strength has always been derived from our diversity of understanding and experience.
I think one of the great things about being a musician is that you never stop learning.
I have yet to find something that beats the power of being in love, or the power of music at its most magical.
A Senegalese poet said 'In the end we will conserve only what we love. We love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught.' We must learn about other cultures in order to understand, in order to love, and in order to preserve our common world heritage.
Nobody else can make the sound you make.