
To get what you love, you must first be patient with what you hate.

More Quotes by Al-Ghazali
Desires make slaves out of kings and patience makes kings out of slaves.
The way to paradise is an uphill climb whereas hell is downhill. Hence, there is a struggle to get to paradise and not to hell.
Does money upset the hearts of learned men? He answered, "men whose hearts are changed by money are not learned
Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see - Egoism, Arrogance, Conceit, Selfishness, Greed, Lust, Intolerance, Anger, Lying, Cheating, Gossiping and Slandering. If you can master and destroy them, then will be ready to fight the enemy you can see.
The hypocrite looks for faults; the believer looks for excuses.
Half of disbelief in Allah in the world is caused by people who make religion look ugly due to their bad conduct and ignorance
Knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness.
This visible world is a trace of that invisible one and the former follows the latter like a shadow.
If you see Allah, Mighty and Magnificent, holding back this world from you, frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation, know that you hold a great status with Him. Know that He is dealing with you as He does with His Awliya’ and chosen elite, and is watching over you.
Offen love between two people intensifies not because of beauty or some advantage, but because of sheer spiritual affinity.