
We go from Malachi to Matthew in one page of our scriptures, but that one piece of paper that separates the Old Testament from the New Testament represents 400 years of history - 400 years where there wasn't a prophet, 400 years where God's voice wasn't heard. And that silence was broken with the cry of a baby on Christmas night.

More Quotes by Louie Giglio
Accept the fact that you're never gonna be someone else and embrace the fact that the world needs you as God made you to be.
Worry and worship cannot exist in the same space. One always displaces the other. Choose worship.
Worship is our response to what we value most. As a result, worship fuels our actions, becoming the driving force of all we do.
God's purposes and plans will not fail. Before you spend all your prayer time telling Him about yours, ask about His.
The Father doesn't give life directions in one big bundle because the goal is knowing Him, not the plan.
You don't have to know everything about the mountain in front of you to take the next step
God has plans and purposes for each of our lives. But the beauty is that He doesn't call us and leave us on our own. Jesus actually lives in us to pull off the amazing things that He has invited us into.
It is not God's will that you limp along in life believing that you are inadequate.
There's no doubt we were unworthy, but we were never worthless. Big difference.
When the enemy comes with shame and blame, tell him to go measure the distance from east to west and get back to you.