
Conflict tip: What comes out of someone else's mouth is a reflection of their heart ... not yours.

More Quotes by Lysa TerKeurst
God is good to me, even when life doesn’t feel good to me.
How to overcome that seemingly impossible issue... Pray more words about it than you speak.
The truly thankful person is a truly peaceful person.
Today, let's be determined to see blessings in the midst of things that seem like burdens.
What if God’s 'NO,’ is really a gift? His way to protect us from what we cannot see, provide something better than we can imagine, or be part of the process of growing us closer to Him.
Remember who you are. Don't compromise for anyone, for any reason. You are a child of the Almighty God. Live that truth.
Life as a Christ follower will always be a learning process of depending less on our own strength and more on God's power.
It's not my perfect performance that captures God's attention. It's my complete dependence on Him that He notices.
Because He's near, we dont have to be anxious or feel out of control. We have peace that rises above any circumstance!
The decisions we make dictate the schedules we keep. The schedules we keep determine the lives we live. The lives we live determine how we spend our souls. So, this isn't just about finding time. This is about honoring God with the time we have.