
On any given day, in any given moment, something could happen that opens up for you an entirely new path. Be still, be alert, be ready.

More Quotes by Marianne Williamson
We need less posturing and more genuine charisma. Charisma was originally a religious term, meaning "of the spirit" or "inspired." It's about letting God's light shine through us. It's about a sparkle in people that money can't buy. It's an invisible energy with visible effects. To let go, to just love, is not to fade into the wallpaper. Quite the contrary, it's when we truly become bright. We're letting our own light shine.
In any moment, in any circumstance, a miracle will occur when we align ourselves with truth.
Withholding love is a form of self-sabotage, as what we withhold from others we are withholding from ourselves.
We are not here to fix, change or belittle another person. We are here to support, forgive and heal one another.
Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.
People hear you on the level you speak to them from. Speak from your heart, and they will hear with theirs.
Nothing binds you except your thoughts; nothing limits you except your fear; and nothing controls you except your beliefs.
If a train doesn't stop at your station, then it's not your train.
Bless more; blame less.
In every moment we make a decision -- whether conscious or unconscious. Will I choose to open my heart, send love, withhold judgment and thus free myself from fear? Or will I close my heart, project fear instead of extending love, judge others, and thus bind myself to fear? The choice is mine and mine alone.