
One of the greatest and simplest tools for learning more and growing is doing more.

More Quotes by Washington Irving
Enthusiasts soon understand each other.
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
Small minds are subdued by misfortunes, greater minds overcome them.
Villainy wears many masks; none so dangerous as the mask of virtue.
A barking dog is often more useful than a sleeping lion.
There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.
There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that trancends all other affections of the heart
There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.
He who would greatly deserve must greatly dare.