
When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world. —Norman Vincent Peale

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From this day forward, I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death, I fell morally and intellectually obligated simply to concede that the death penalty experiment has failed. - Harry A. Blackmun
Sports do not build character. They reveal it. — Heywood Broun
As you go on with your life, always remember the things that are good in you. They're your gifts. As long as you have these things, you'll find happiness, and you'll make the people around you happy. ― Genki Kawamura
To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to blow past them. — Picabo Street
Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe. - Claudia Black
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. - James Dean
We remember though all the firelit glow Of a great hearth's gleam and glare, And we looked for a space at each happy face And the love that was written there. ― Caris Brooke
The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life. ― Roy T. Bennett
Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful. - Mark Victor Hansen
Things are always different than what they might be. If you wait for them to change, you will never do anything. — Henry James