
Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one. _ Benjamin Franklin

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We are often insane with happiness. We are also very unhappy for reasons neither of us can do anything about. Like being separated. ― Audrey Niffenegger
Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. ― John Lennon
The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us. —Ashley Montagu
God can't give us peace and happiness apart from Himself because there is no such thing. ― C.S. Lewis
she sees how happiness hides in the humdrum, how it abides in the everyday toing and froing as though happiness were a thing that should not be seen, as though it were a note that cannot be heard until it sounds from the past... ― Paul Lynch
Happiness is the best makeup. — Drew Barrymore
If you make it a habit not to blame others, you will feel the growth of the ability to love in your soul, and you will see the growth of goodness in your life.
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. - Charles Spurgeon
Happiness without freedom, or freedom without happiness. There was no third alternative. ― Yevgeny Zamyatin
Some day you will find out that there is far more happiness in another's happiness than in your own. ― Honoré de Balzac