
Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny. ― Steve Maraboli

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I will say again that I have never, and would never, harm a child. It sickens me that people have written untrue things about me.
I think you have to work with people, and when I talk about managing relationships, don't think the derogatory ''managed relationships''. It is a question of sharing emotion and feelings. The common denominator of everything can't be money, and it should not be money. — Anil Ambani
Life is short. Do not forget about the most important things in our life, living for other people and doing good for them.
People always clap for the wrong reasons.
Help other people to cope with their problems, and your own will be easier to cope with.
I am attracted to people who make this effort in knowing what suits them - they are individual and stylish.
If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore. — Michele Ruiz
If Christianity is valid, why is there so much evil in the world?" To this the famous preacher replied, "With so much soap, why are there so many dirty people in the world? Christianity, like soap, must be personally applied if it is to make a difference in our lives.
People will always talk, so lets give them sumthin to talk about
You don’t need too many people to be happy, just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are. – Wiz Khalifa