
Being sad with the right people is better than being happy with the wrong ones. ― Philippos

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The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others. Try this for a week and you will be surprised. - Norman Vincent Peale
Capitalism is going to deal itself out of existence, but before it does that, you're gonna pay $50 for a latte, because inflation is going impoverish all of us before people get pissed off enough to realize that all of the last hundred years of economic progress was actually a shell game to create billionaires, while the great masses of people saw their standard of living eroded and destroyed.
People say that life is short, but it isn't short. It's very long. _ Frank Abagnale
To be happy, make others happy. ― Stephen Richards
One of the best ways to measure people is how they behave when something free is offered.
The power under the Constitution will always be in the people.
We will either defend the rights of people and the earth, and for that we have to dismantle the rights that corporations have assigned to themselves, or corporations will in the next three decades destroy this planet, in terms of human possibilities.
Do we need to wait until the next life to experience true happiness? Of course not; we can experience it now. By making that choice to be happy and optimistic, we can have a little bit of Heaven on Earth. ― Lindsey Rietzsch
Be the kind of person that you want people to think you are.
People cannot hurt you without your permission.