
it is impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others. This perspective is at the heart of Buddhist teachings. ― Daisaku Ikeda

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While I was yearning for happiness I became happy. ― Ogwo David Emenike
Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.
But I see nothing miraculous about it. Nothing makes one as healthy as happiness, and there is no greater happiness than making someone else happy. ― Stefan Zweig
There is no greater power than that of a laugh and happiness is a force which can save a person from the horrors of the world. ― Hillary DePiano
The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.
It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.
Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it. _ Don Herold
To do the impossible, you need to ignore the popular.
Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there’s nothing else you can give and nobody will care for you.
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. – Marcus Aurelius