
More Quotes by Rihanna
Success for me isn't a destination it's a journey. Everybody's working to get to the top but where is the top? It's all about working harder and getting better and moving up and up.
Let go of the things that make you feel dead. Life is worth living!
Never underestimate a man's ability to make you feel guilty for his mistakes.
The more I swear I'm happy the more I'm feeling alone
Don't be afraid to be yourself just because you're not like everybody else in class. If you want to dye your hair green and that's what makes you happy, then dye your hair green, no matter what other people might say about it. Not everybody is going to like you - that's the world we live in; that's reality.
I love reading people. I really enjoy watching, observing, and being able to figure out a person, the reason they wore that dress, the reason they smell the way they do.
Love isn't complicated, people are.
The bottom line is that everyone thinks differently.
Spend time with people who know how to use their days well. Just as iron sharpens iron, positive people will inspire you to be positive.
I play by my own rules so please think twice before you step into my life.