
Your mind is a powerful thing. When you filter it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change. — Gautama Buddha

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Nowadays even presidents, vice-presidents, and heads of big agencies are opening their minds to accept psychic phenomena, because they know it works.
The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others. Try this for a week and you will be surprised.
Change is the healthiest way to survive.
He who controls the media controls the minds of the public.
There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought. — Napoleon Hill
If you can't change it.. change the way you think about it. — Mary Engelbreit
I know black women in Tennessee who have worked all their lives, from the time they were twelve years old to the day they died. These women don't listen to the women's liberation rhetoric because they know that it's nothing but a bunch of white women who had certain life-styles and who want to change those life-styles.
Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. – Martin Luther King, Jr
The mind can make substance, and people planets of its own with beings brighter than have been, and give a breath to forms which can outlive all flesh.
The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life. ― Roy T. Bennett