
Today's teardrops are tomorrow's rainbows. — Ricky Nelson

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No more tomorrows. Today is the day. ― Richie Norton
I didn't have any looks, I didn't have any talent, and it was easy for me to say to the Lord, "I don't have anything." If you only knew where I came from ... this leetle-bitty town with no more than twelve hundred people in it. So ... anything I am today, He is the one who has done it [ellipses in source].
Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.― Author-Poet Aberjhani
Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow. —Mahatma Gandhi
If I could take your troubles I would toss them into the sea, But all these things I'm finding Are impossible for me. I cannot build a mountain Or catch a rainbow fair, But let me be what I know best, A friend that is always there.
Let's go invent tomorrow.
Learn from yesterday, live for today. — Albert Einstein
Who could quarrel with Clark Gable? We got on well. Whenever anyone on the set was tired or depressed, it was Gable who cheered that person up. Then the newspapers began printing the story that Gable and I were not getting on. This was so ridiculous it served only as a joke. From the time on the standard greeting between Clark and myself became, 'How are you not getting on today?'
It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. — Epictetus