
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars. — Les Brown

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I arise today Through the strength of heaven: Light of sun Brilliance of moon Splendor of fire Speed of lightning Swiftness of wind Depth of sea Stability of earth Firmness of rock.
Keep pace with the present. Take a trip to the moon. envision the future.
All of this had always existed, and he had not seen it; he had not been with it. Now he was with it, he was part of it. Light and shadow ran through his eyes, stars and moon ran through his heart.
Not only do we live among the stars, the stars live within us. ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
On any given Monday I am one sale closer and one idea away from being a millionaire. — Larry D. Turner
Seeing the moon, he becomes the moon, the moon seen by him becomes him. He sinks into nature, becomes one with nature. The light of the "clear heart" of the priest, seated in the meditation hall in the darkness before the dawn, becomes for the dawn moon its own light.
I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. — Eleanor Roosevelt
The most confused we ever get is when we try to convince our heads of something our hearts know is a lie. — Karen Marie Morning
Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate And though I oft have passed them by A day will come at last when I Shall take the hidden paths that run West of the Moon, East of the Sun.
If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. — Paulo Coelho