
Dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change. — Shonda Rhimes

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You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself.
Be true to the game, because the game will be true to you. If you try to shortcut the game, then the game will shortcut you. If you put forth the effort, good things will be bestowed upon you. That’s truly about the game, and in some ways that’s about life too.- Michael Jordan
Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams.
But if, as morning rises, dreams are true.
We change the world a little each day with our kindness. ― Tom Giaquinto
My dreams, my dreams! What has become of their sweetness? What indeed has become of my youth?
The only time you are actually growing is when you are uncomfortable.
Do not let your good ideas to spend your brain energy, do it with all the effort because the shadow of the success can become a reality only with hard work. ― Isra
Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.― Neil Gaiman
We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - but never blame yourself. It's never your fault. But it's always your fault, because if you wanted to change you're the one who has got to change.