
As long as he’s happy, I am happy. — Joseph Jackson

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People can put you down, and they will but Allah will never abandon you, so long as you don’t.
God created the world out of nothing, and so long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us.
I make positive choices so I can be happy. ― Hayley Williams
Life is a slope. As long as you're going up you're always looking towards the top and you feel happy, but when you reach it, suddenly you can see the road going downhill and death at the end of it all. It's slow going up and quick going down.
A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. - Anonymous
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. – Albert Einstein
No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities. ― Christian Nestell Bovee
If there is something comforting - religious, if you want - about paranoia, there is still also anti-paranoia, where nothing is connected to anything, a condition not many of us can bear for long.
They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. ― Tom Bodett
Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want. _ Alan Cohen