
The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it. – Henry Ford

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We must cultivate and defend particularity, individuality, and irregularity-life. Human beings do not have a future in the collectivism of bureaucratic states or in the mass society created by capitalism. Every system, by virtue as much of its abstract nature as of its pretension to totality, is the enemy of life. As a forgotten Spanish poet, José Moreno Villa, put it with melancholy wit: "I have discovered in symmetry the root of much iniquity."
The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.
Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter's or sculptor's work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God's spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts.
There's more to life than dating the boy on the football team. — Taylor Swift
He who thinks little errs much.
Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.― Mark Twain
I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
We're all brilliant at something. I discovered my powers when I was four years old. When you're young you're more in touch with your real talents, but so often the 30 year slog knocks it out of people.
Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer. — Joseph Campbell