
All this twaddle, the existence of God, atheism, determinism, liberation, societies, death, etc., are pieces of a chess game called language, and they are amusing only if one does not preoccupy oneself with 'winning or losing this game of chess. ― Marcel Duchamp

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The first law of nature is self-preservation. Cut off that which may harm you. But if it is worth preserving, and is meaningful, nourish it and have no regrets. Ultimately, this is true living and love of self...from within. ― T.F. Hodge
The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs. ― Wally Lamb, The Hour I First Believed
The greatest challenge in life is to be our own person and accept that being different is a blessing and not a curse. A person who knows who they are lives a simple life by eliminating from their orbit anything that does not align with his or her overriding purpose and values. A person must be selective with their time and energy because both elements of life are limited. ― Kilroy J. Oldster
Salvation lies not in the faithfulness to forms, but in the liberation from them.
You couldn’t hide from bad things and pretend they didn’t exist, that left you with a dream world, and dream worlds eventually crumble. You had to face the truth. And then decide what you wanted. ― Sarah Cross
Atheism, a religion dedicated to its own sense of smug superiority. ― Stephen Colbert
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. ― Mark Twain
You know why love stories have happy endings?” I shake my head. “Because they end too early,” she continues. “They always end right at the kiss. You never have to see all the bullshit that comes later. You know, Life. ― Hank Moody, God Hates Us All
I finally figured out that not every crisis can be managed. As much as we want to keep ourselves safe, we can't protect ourselves from everything. If we want to embrace life, we also have to embrace chaos. ― Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Breathing Room
Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.― Christopher Hitchens