
One cannot be prepared for something while secretly believing it will not happen. — Nelson Mandela

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Believe in yourself. Stay in your own lane. There’s only one you. — Queen Latifah
don’t believe the war is simply the work of politicians and capitalists. Oh no, the common man is every bit as guilty; otherwise, people and nations would have re- belled long ago! There’s a destructive urge in people, the urge to rage, murder and kill. And until all of humanity, without exception, undergoes a metamorphosis, wars will continue to be waged, and everything that has been carefully built up, cultivated and grown will be cut down and destroyed, only to start allover again!
I was the youngest child and really spoiled. I loved to play make-believe. I loved pretending to be all kinds of different people and it just seemed natural that I would go into acting.
If you retain nothing else, always remember the most important Rule of Beauty. “Who cares?”
Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.
Instead of believing the world is plotting to do you harm, choose to believe the world is plotting to do you good. Instead of seeing every difficult challenging event as a negative, see it for what it could be - something that is meant to enrich you, empower you, or advance your causes.
She always wanted to believe in things.
I'm happy if I have added something to our understanding of the universe.
If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.
In a crisis, don't hide behind anything or anybody. They're going to find you anyway.