
The route of true happiness, the Buddha argued, was to achieve a visceral understanding of impermanence, which would take you off the emotional roller coaster and allow you to see your dramas and desires through a wider lens. To truly tame the 'monkey mind' and defeat our habitual tendency toward clinging, meditation was the prescription, and sitting and actively facing the 'voice in your head' mindfully for a few minutes a day might be the hardest thing you'll ever do. Accept that challenge and improve your life drastically. It's about mitigation, not alleviation. It's that simple. The only way out is through. ― Dan Harris

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Happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I don't know whether it is beautiful or sad, that I find such blissful happiness within the confines of my own mind, more so than I do in the reality that surrounds me. ― Kendal Rob
Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one. _ Benjamin Franklin
The happiness you’re looking for is all around you, don’t forget to notice it.
I want to be careful not to throw all this away. This is happiness. I think this is what happiness is. I haven't got it yet, but I can sense it out there. I feel I'm close to it. Some days, I'm so close I can almost smell it. ― Sebastian Faulks
We communicate happiness to others not often by great acts of devotion and self-sacrifice, but by the absence of fault-finding and censure, by being ready to sympathize with their notions and feelings, instead of forcing them to sympathize with ours.
No sorrow is deeper than the remembrance of happiness when in misery.
In order to have great happiness, you have to have great pain and unhappiness—otherwise, how would you know when you’re happy? — Leslie Caron,
the point of losing something precious - be it happiness of material wealth - can be forgotten over time. but our missed opportunities never leave us, and every time they come back to haunt us, we ache. or perhaps what haunts us is that nagging thought that things might have turned out differently. because without the thought, we would put it down to fate and accept it.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. – Mahatma Gandhi