
Happiness is always on the other side of being teachable. ― Shannon L. Alder

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Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.
The triumph can't be had without the struggle.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. -Albert Pujols
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. ― Helen Keller
There is more to life than just pleasure. We want to achieve our happiness and not just experience it. ― Eric Weiner
There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.
Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it. —Jaques Prevert
Laughter is the language of the soul.
Happiness does not come from a job. It comes from knowing what you truly value, and behaving in a way that’s consistent with those beliefs. ― Mike Rowe
No medicine cures what happiness cannot. ― Gabriel García Márquez