
Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. – Helen Keller

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Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow. — Mahatma Gandhi
Never give up on what you love, recognize your strength and follow your passion ― Madhuri Vipparla
What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle and giving 110% all the time. – Don Zimmer
Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face. – Helen Keller
The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others. – Hasidic Proverb
Tho money short or health does wane, We never bow our heads in shame. Let grace and kindness rule your mood, and never sit around and brood. Be thankful for each day we know, and hidden gifts will always flow. ― Andrew Pacholyk, Lead Us To A Place: Your Spiritual Journey Through Life's
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. — Malala Yousafzai
Being happy never goes out of style. — Lilly Pulitzer
Some things we never know we need until we find them. And now, when I looked back on my life, it seemed empty and idle, if only because she’d not been in it.
The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.