
If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself. – Charles M. Schulz

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Nothing happens in life by accident. Nothing occurs by chance. Nothing takes place without producing the opportunity for real and lasting benefit to you. The perfection of every moment may not be apparent to you, yet that will make the moment no less perfect.
A generation which ignores history has no past -- and no future.
Do not be deluded by the abstract word Freedom. Whose freedom? Not the freedom of one individual in relation to another, but freedom of Capital to crush the worker.
Life is a gift from God, an unlimited series of opportunities to find the good in ourselves and others. There is good in everything, if we are willing to see it.
Five years after Boston 1967, I went to the Munich Olympics. I realized that major sponsorship could help me create the opportunity. I wrote a big proposal to Avon cosmetics on how creating a global series of women's races could lead to getting women in the Olympic marathon. People thought I was smoking poppy at the time. The longest event in the Olympic Games was 800m.
Nations, like individuals, are punished for their transgressions.
Particular attention should be given to the opportunities which the environment presents or precludes for involvement of children with persons both older and younger than themselves.
My father was a lorry driver, very rarely at home. The house was run by my mother, and because there were 10 or so kids, there was no time for individual attention. It was about survival. It was about where the next meal was coming from.
Growing up in this post-apartheid era, the first generation of teens in South Africa living in this new democracy, I often found myself feeling different. I was often the only person of color in an otherwise all-white school. And within the Indian community, because of my training with an English acting teacher, my accent was very different.
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. — Winston Churchill