
It was a pity that people did not risk enough to speak out in behalf of one another's happiness and their own. ― Louis Zukofsky

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Don't care what people gonna think of you, do what you wanna do and seek just your happiness.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. -Albert Pujols
Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' gardens. ― Douglas Jerrold
I believe in the sun, even when it rains.
Daily the Negro is coming more and more to look upon law and justice, not as protecting safeguards, but as sources of humiliation and oppression. The laws are made by men who have little interest in him; they are executed by men who have absolutely no motive for treating the black people with courtesy or consideration; and, finally, the accused law-breaker is tried, not by his peers, but too often by men who would rather punish ten innocent Negroes than let one guilty one escape.
You can't buy happiness ― Kurt Cobain
Most people see what is, and never see what can be.
The most dangerous irony is, people are angry with others because of their own incompetence. ― Amit Kalantri
The indoctrination is so deep that educated people think they’re being objective.
Pay bad people with your goodness; fight their hatred with your kindness. Even if you do not achieve a victory over other people, you will conquer yourself.