
I wouldn't have missed a single minute of it, Not for the whole world. ― Stephen King

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If I could leave my audience with only one single key takeaway message, what would it be? If my audience was to forget everything else I said, what one single idea or lesson would I want them to remember? – Akash Karia
I have spent a fortune travelling to distant shores and looked at lofty mountains and boundless oceans, and yet I haven’t found time to take a few steps from my house to look at a single dewdrop on a single blade of grass.
I am so grateful for my troubles. As I reflect back on my life, I have come to realize that my greatest triumphs have been born of my greatest troubles. ― Steve Maraboli
It is pointless to say that this or that night was the worst of my life. I have so many bad nights to choose from that I've made none the champion. ― Yann Martel
It's better to have a few faithful friends than numerous shallow friendships. ― Jonathan Anthony Burkett
The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation. -Michael Jackson
Sometimes problems don’t require a solution to solve them; instead they require maturity to outgrow them. ― Steve Maraboli
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley. ― Robert Burns
Isn't it sad how some people's grip on their lives is so precarious that they'll embrace any preposterous delusion rather than face an occasional bleak truth? ― Bill Watterson
The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.