
Ignore the glass ceiling and do your work. If you’re focusing on the glass ceiling, focusing on what you don’t have, focusing on the limitations, then you will be limited. — Ava DuVernay

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If you don’t see a clear path for what you want, sometimes you have to make it yourself. — Mindy Kaling
I've always wanted to fight for people who didn't have arms. I've always wanted to speak up for people who don't have a voice. I've always wanted to protect people who couldn't protect themselves. It's my nature. It's my instinct. — Sophia Bush
Life is very interesting... in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths. — Drew Barrymore
Imagine no limitations; decide what's right and desirable before you decide what's possible.
We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark. — Whoopi Goldberg
People have to go through things in order to become the person that they are today and that’s that. — Sarah Hyland
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. — Helen Keller
Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential. - Barack Obama
I don't want to be better than you or her or him - I want to be better than I am right now. — Kerri Walsh
We might not be able to change our circumstances, but we CAN change our attitude. — Beth Moore