Hybrid Learning Models: The Future of Education

Admin September 14, 2024

Hybrid Learning Models: The Future of Education

As the world of education continues evolved, hybrid learning models have emerged as a promising solution that blends the best of traditional in-person teaching with the flexibility of online learning. This approach often referred to as blended learning, offers a more personalized, adaptable, and inclusive educational experience. With rapid technological advancements and the lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, hybrid learning is quickly becoming a vital part of the global educational landscape.

How does hybrid learning work? What's its objective?

 If learning processes are different for every person, why not bet on new education models? This, via a combination of in-person and online elements, is what hybrid learning proposes.

For a few years now, distance learning has gained strength in institutions and, since the pandemic, has only proven its importance more.

The methodology comprises in-person experiences (such as in-class lessons) and digital ones, which can be classes themselves or even forums, supplementary videos, and other virtual materials.

One of hybrid learning's major objectives is to transform the students into the protagonists of their own learning pathway.

Whereas traditional models have hierarchies, with knowledge deriving necessarily from instructors, hybrid education encourages the student to develop study plans and new knowledge bases.

In this manner, students can have in-person classes some days of the week and, other days of the week, reinforced learned content through explanatory videos, e-books, and even virtual-reality platforms.

Why is hybrid learning important?

 Although a lot of people and institutions already know what hybrid learning is, the model is still in question. But it offers a true education revolution, especially in times when people are more and more connected.

And although students are returning to the classroom en masse, the hybrid learning model is irreversible. It takes advantage of the best of each space (on- and offline), enriching the learning experience.

Each student's potential is lifted to the maximum, promoting learners' independence and the diversity of materials accessible to computers, cell phones, and other digital devices.

Some of the main advantages of the model include:

  • Greater autonomy for students, who can now actively access content and search for new material.
  • Cost reduction for students, instructors, and institutions.
  • Lowered dropout rates.
  • Promotion of collaboration between students.
  • Personalized content for different students.

What are the models of hybrid learning?

 In addition to knowing what the objective of hybrid learning is, it's crucial to understand its possibilities, because ultimately, not all hybrids are the same. Take a look at 7 hybrid learning models and how each one operates.

1. Station rotation: organizes classes by topic, using learning stations for each student. The teacher intermediates for students, who look autonomously for solutions. Groups rotate so that everyone completes all stations.

2. Flipped classroom: materials are sent to students beforehand for discussion in the classroom.

3. Lab rotation: The class is divided into two: one group with the aid of digital tools, the other, working in class in person. Then, the groups change places.

4. Flex: The teacher publishes an activity guide, and students have more independence to pursue studies – but can always go to the instructor if needed.

6. Virtual enrichment: so-called blended courses, in which students receive the bulk of instruction remotely, but must still fulfill some sort of in-person schedule.

How can you implement hybrid learning in educational institutions?

To implement hybrid learning, institutions need to arrange a few structural changes, which range from adopting more modern technology to revising class subjects and pedagogical practices, as well as continuing education for academic staff.

A few steps and changes are important in this regard. To that end, we've listed a few tips on how to adopt hybrid learning.

See the possibilities of hybrid learning

Using differences in space and time, four combinations can be made to help build new education models (drawn up by Brazil's ABMES). They are:

  • Synchronous in-person, the traditional classroom model.
  • Virtual synchronous, with remote classes in which students and teachers interact in real time.
  • In-person asynchronous: monitored in-person activities, but without student and teacher sharing a space simultaneously.
  • Virtual asynchronous, when the available content is accessed by students anytime, without real-time interaction.

Hybrid learning is among the top trends that have picked up swiftly in this digital age. Its growth is tremendous and not showing any signs of relapsing. In general, e-learning, or distance learning, is an essential part of any form of education nowadays. This window of opportunity has been used by most, and it enormously helped in education due to pandemics.

Hybrid learning statistics show that engagement is higher when we use techniques and methods to keep up with the students’ interests instead of the slow-paced traditional lecture-based approach.