
Farrah Gray

American Businessman and Investor
Date of Birth : 09 Sep, 1984
Place of Birth : America
Profession : Author, Entrepreneur, Businessperson, Motivational Speaker, Columnist, Inventor, Philanthropist, Journalist
Nationality : American
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Farrah Gray (Farrakhan Khalid Muhammad) is an American businessman, investor, author, columnist, and motivational speaker. 

Gray was raised on Chicago's South side. He is the son of the late black nationalist leader Khalid Abdul Muhammad. He began his entrepreneurial career at the age of six selling homemade lotion and hand-painted rocks door-to-door. He is Christian.

Global Keynote Speaker, and Philanthropist

Gray was featured on two high-profile INC MAGAZINE lists along with Mark Zuckerberg. Oprah Winfrey dubbed Farrah Gray as an "all-star" with "priceless advice." - O, The Oprah Magazine

"Farrah Gray one of the Most Influential Black Men in America." - NBC NEWS

Named Top 100 Globally Influential Under 40 by The United Nations MIPAD

Farrah Gray has generated more than twenty billion online impressions and now has over five million followers on social media platforms Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter combined.

Ebony Magazine and Black Enterprise recognized him as an entrepreneurial icon and best-selling author. Raised in the impoverished Southside of Chicago, Gray defied the odds and became a self-made millionaire by fourteen and opened his headquarters office on Wall Street. At the age of twenty-one, he was a recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters degree from Allen University. In recognition of his ingenious economic mind and distinguished commitment to developing values such as leadership, integrity, and scholarship. In his rise from poverty to national and international prominence, Farrah Gray has inspired millions worldwide. At thirty-seven, he has achieved more than many achieve in a lifetime.

As an international bestselling author, Gray's books, and his journey to succeed against the odds have become required reading and part of classroom study from elementary school to entrepreneurship departments on college and university campuses such as Harvard University and Princeton. Gray's books, "Reallionaire," "Get Real Get Rich," "The Truth Shall Make You Rich," "Comfort is the Enemy of Achievement," and "Strong Women Only Intimidate Weak Men" have been translated into Russian, German, Polish, French, Korean, Indonesian, Chinese Simplified, and Vietnamese languages with book sales in Africa, Australia, and Europe, and Central and South American countries.

Gray is also a contributing author to the books "Chicken Soup for the African-American Soul," "Chicken Soup for the Extraordinary Teen Soul," "You've Got to Read This Book" Gray has also been featured in "Put Your Dreams to The Test" By John C. Maxwell and "The Covenant to Black America" Part 1 & 2. Gray's books combined have sold or have been downloaded by two million readers globally.

As a philanthropist, Farrah Gray's sense of social responsibility motivated him to create the non-profit organization, The Farrah Gray Foundation. Among other programs and initiatives, his foundation focuses on inner-city community-based entrepreneurship education and provides scholarship and grant assistance for students from 'at-risk' backgrounds to attend HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). The Farrah Gray Foundation has partnered with the Kauffman Foundation, which launched entrepreneurship programs in inner-city schools across the country.

Many of the world's Fortune 500 corporations sought out his expertise. His clients have included Verizon, Hershey's corporation, Nissan, Procter & Gamble, JP Morgan Chase, Toyota, The White House, United States Department of Commerce, U.S. Treasury Department, and many more.

Gray is also the recipient of The Prestigious Trumpet Award (Other recipients include luminaries such as Muhammad Ali, Maya Angelou, Ray Charles, President Nelson Mandela, Beyonce, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and many more.)


Total 30 Quotes
Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
Success isn’t something that happens overnight: it’s a process. You have to nurture it along with continuous care, and the best way to do this is to have the right people working with you - not for you, but with you. I can dream alone and strive alone, but true success always requires the help and support of others.
Do not let anyone tell you what you can be. Do not let anyone tell you that you are not good enough or smart enough. Remember that nobody is better than you. Everybody puts on their pants one leg at a time.
Never duck responsibility, its like running from the rain only to fall into the river.
The more we give, the more we receive. It's important to give back, because the seeds you plant today, you will harvest tomorrow.
In life we don't get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be able to be more, in order to be more you have to face rejection.
If you want to find what God put you here to do, ask yourself three questions. First question: What comes easy to you but harder to other people? The second question is: What would you do for years and never have to get paid for it? Third, ask yourself: How can you be of service?
Comfort is the enemy of achievement.
Money doesn't change who you are; it magnifies who you really are.
Inside every seed is the potential for an incredible harvest.