
In life we don't get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be able to be more, in order to be more you have to face rejection.

More Quotes by Farrah Gray
Keep putting out good. It will come back to you tenfold in unexpected ways.
Money has not changed me. When I look at money, each dollar represents an option of something I could not do yesterday.
You know, you don't have to have money to be a successful businessperson. You don't need a college degree. You just need a lot of common sense backed up by a willingness to work hard.
I'm a strong supporter of comfort breeds complacency. Growing up poor I wasn't comfortable, and my mom had to work so hard and I woke up one day and decided I was not going to come home until I could help her pay the bills.
Comfort is the enemy of achievement.
There are so many people living the best life money can buy. I want to slap some of these people. Some of these people you think are living the best life but they're not rich on the inside. I started this philosophy to be spiritual and be rich on the inside out.
If you make too many things too public, then you end up living your life before the court of public opinion.
It is not possible to erase racism just because African-Americans have reached a level of financial success and crossover appeal.
I'm sure you know a lot of people who were born into privilege and amounted to absolutely nothing. We all have greatness within us. So it is really important for everyone to figure out what God put us on Earth to do, and steer clear of the seven pervasive lies that often blindside people.
Inside every seed is the potential for an incredible harvest.