
Always define your area of excellence. Establish the area where you will be the best.

More Quotes by Farrah Gray
Sometimes you're pushing and what you want to do is not coming with ease; doors are not opening. A lot of times we're pushing against resistance. If one looks closely, there is often a message in that resistance: "Wait a minute, maybe it's not what you're supposed to be doing.
Never duck responsibility, its like running from the rain only to fall into the river.
Money lets you enjoy the finer things of life, but it doesn't change who you are. It magnifies and brings into fruition the things that you want to hide most. It is a mask for insecurities as well.
Success isn’t something that happens overnight: it’s a process. You have to nurture it along with continuous care, and the best way to do this is to have the right people working with you - not for you, but with you. I can dream alone and strive alone, but true success always requires the help and support of others.
Inside every seed is the potential for an incredible harvest.
When people listen to people like me, those of us who have a platform, we have to say things that speak truth. We have to empower, inspire, build, and launch the next generation of world solutions that will positively contribute to our economic, political and social fabric and - hopefully - improve the entire nation and the world.
Do not let anyone tell you what you can be. Do not let anyone tell you that you are not good enough or smart enough. Remember that nobody is better than you. Everybody puts on their pants one leg at a time.
Keep putting out good. It will come back to you tenfold in unexpected ways.
We have to find areas in our lives that we feel most uncomfortable about and want to change. I decided to push myself because it allowed me to give back. I have a scholarship program. When I found out the average age of a homeless person is 9½ years old, I said there must be something that I can do. Now, I am the spokesman for the National Coalition for the Homeless.
I believe that my personal mission in life is to grow and contribute, so I am learning and growing every day.