
Keep putting out good. It will come back to you tenfold in unexpected ways.

More Quotes by Farrah Gray
Always define your area of excellence. Establish the area where you will be the best.
Being an impatient person, I wanted to do what my grandmother said: "Do as much as you can as fast as you can; be as productive as possible." But you must be patient. So I have struggled to balance patience with being an impatient person, and trying to find a happy medium.
Inside every seed is the potential for an incredible harvest.
In life we don't get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be able to be more, in order to be more you have to face rejection.
You know, you don't have to have money to be a successful businessperson. You don't need a college degree. You just need a lot of common sense backed up by a willingness to work hard.
Money has not changed me. When I look at money, each dollar represents an option of something I could not do yesterday.
Never duck responsibility, its like running from the rain only to fall into the river.
Do not let anyone tell you what you can be. Do not let anyone tell you that you are not good enough or smart enough. Remember that nobody is better than you. Everybody puts on their pants one leg at a time.
American economy is tricky. If you stay in the game you're in a good position for the upswing. If you're not in the game you can't win.
It is not possible to erase racism just because African-Americans have reached a level of financial success and crossover appeal.