
Kazi Nazrul Islam

Poet and writer
Date of Birth : 24 May, 1899
Date of Death : 29 Aug, 1976
Place of Birth : Churulia, India
Profession : Poet, Writer
Nationality : Bangladeshi, Indian
Kazi Nazrul Islam was a major Bengali poet and musician of the 20th century. The abundance of creation in his literary life of only 23 years is unparalleled. Although he wanders in various branches of literature, his main identity isa poet.

His life began in humble circumstances. He joined the British Indian Army in 1917 AD before graduating from school . Born in a Muslim family and initiated into Islamic education as a child , he grew up with a secular identity. At the same time a rebellious being developed within him. In 1922 he was imprisoned by the British government for sedition. He became known as the rebel poet of undivided India under the British Empire.

Nazrul, who was famous for his well-built body, immense health and lively smile, suddenly ended all his activism in 1942 when he was stricken with a fatal nervous illness. As a result, he had to be completely isolated from literary work for a long period of 34 years until his death in 1976. In 1972, he was transferred with his family from Kolkata to Dhaka in the production of Bangladesh government . In 1976, he was granted the nationality of Bangladesh . He died here.

The status and importance of Kazi Nazrul Islam is immense in the minds of Bengalis of the 20th century. He is given the status of "National Poet" in Bangladesh. The popularity of his poems and songs is overwhelming among Bengali speaking readers. His humanity, rebellion against colonial exploitation and deprivation, opposition to religious fundamentalism and respect for the equality of men and women have played a role in the formation of the Bengali psyche for the last one hundred years.

Birth and early life

Kazi Nazrul Islam was born on May 24, 1899 (Jaishth 11, 1306 Bengali ) in Churulia village of Asansol subdivision of Burdwan district of West Bengal, India in a Bengali Muslim family. Churulia village is located in Jamuria block of Asansol subdivision. He is the sixth child of Zaheda Khatun, second wife of Qazi Fakir Ahmed, son of grandfather Kazi Amin Ullah. His father Fakir Ahmad was the imam of the local mosque and khadem of the tomb. Among Nazrul's three brothers, Kazi Ali Hossain is the youngest and Kazi Sahebjan the eldest and Umme Kulsoom the youngest among the two sisters. Kazi Nazrul Islam's nickname was "Dukhu Mia". Nazrul worked as a muezzin in the local mosque of the village. He began studying the Qur'an , Islamic religion , philosophy and Islamic theology in the Maktab ( religious schools of Muslims run by mosques ). His father died in 1908, when he was only nine years old. After the death of his father, his education was interrupted by family poverty and he had to start working to earn a living at the age of ten. At this time, Nazrul passed the lower secondary examination from the Maktab and started teaching in the same Maktab. At the same time, Haji started working as a grave servant and mosque muezzin ( caller to prayer ) in Palawan. Through these works, he had the opportunity to become intimately familiar with the fundamental rituals of Islam at an early age, which greatly influenced his later literary works. It can be said that he started the practice of Islamic consciousness in Bengali literature.

Nazrul did not stay long in the work of Maktab, Mosque and Shrine. At an early age, he was attracted to folk art and joined a Leto ( a traveling theater troupe of poetry, song and dance in the Rahad area of ​​Bengal). His uncle Kazi Bajle Karim was a prominent maestro of the Leto group in the Churulia region and was fluent in Arabic, Persian and Urdu. Besides, Bajle Karim used to compose songs in mixed languages. It is believed that Nazrul Leto joined the party under the influence of Bazle Karim. Apart from this , Nazrul used to regularly participate in Leto and Kabigan gatherings of the popular Leto poets of the region, Sheikh Chakor (Goda poet) and Kabiya Vasudev. Literary practice started in Leto team. With this troupe he traveled to various places, studied acting with them and wrote songs and poems for their plays. In the light of his work and experience, he started studying Bengali and Sanskrit literature . At the same time he started studying the Hindu scriptures ie the Puranas . At that young age he composed several folk songs for his theater troupe. These include Chashar Sanga , Shakunivadha , King Yudhishthira's Sanga , Data Karna , King Akbar , Poet Kalidasa , Vidyabhutum , Prince's Song , Buro Shalik Neke Ron and Meghnad Badha . The life of mosques, shrines and maktabs on the one hand, and the varied experiences of the Leto team on the other, provided many elements for Nazrul's literary life. Nazrul wrote a lot of Shyama music and composed about Kalidevi, Nazrul mentioned in his last speech - “Some say Amar Bani Yawan some say kafir. I say neither. I just tried to hold the Hindu Muslim in one place and make them shake hands, I tried to turn abuse into abuse.”

In 1910, Nazrul Leto left the party and returned to student life. The fact that everyone in the Leto group was impressed by his talent is the song written by other disciples about Nazrul Leto after he left: " Aam ai adheen, khuli ustadheen / Bhabi tai nishidin, bishad mone / Namete Nazrul Islam, ki dib guna proof ", in this new student life. His first school was Searsol Raj School in Raniganj , then he joined Mathrun High English School which later became known as Navinchandra Institution . The then headmaster of Mathrun School was Kumudranjan Mallik who was also known as a famous poet of that time. His presence is a source of inspiration for Nazrul. Reminiscing about Nazrul, Kumudranjan wrote,

"A small, handsome boy, he used to bow before I visited the class. I smiled and caressed him. He was very shy."

However, financial problems did not allow him to study here for several days. After studying till sixth standard, he had to go back to work. First joined Vasudev's poets. After that a Christian worked as a Railway Guard Khansama and finally as a bread maker in a tea and bread shop in Asansol . In this way, his childhood life began to pass in the midst of many hardships. While working in this shop, he met Rafizullah, a constable of Asansol. Rafizullah saw the poems and rhymes that Nazrul used to write while sitting alone in the shop and got to know his talent. It was he who admitted Nazrul to the seventh standard in Darirampur School, Trishal, Mymensingh district in 1914 . In 1915, he again returned to Searsol Raj School in Raniganj and started studying there from the eighth standard. He studied here till 1917. At the end of 1917, he joined the army as a soldier without passing the pre-test of secondary school. While studying in this school, Nazrul was influenced by the four teachers here. These are Satishchandra Kanjilal of high music , Nibaranchandra Ghatak with revolutionary spirit , Hafiz Nurunnabi of Persian literature and Nagendranath Bandyopadhyay of literary practice .

Soldier life

Nazrul joined the army at the end of 1917 AD. First to Fort William in Calcutta and later to Nowshera in Frontier Province for training . After training, he started living the life of a soldier in the Karachi cantonment. He was in the army from late 1917 AD to March-April 1920 AD, i.e. about two and a half years. During this period he rose from corporal to quartermaster habildar in the 49th Bengal Regiment . He learned Persian from the Punjabi Maulbi of the said regiment. Apart from this, he continued to practice music along with his fellow soldiers by playing different local and foreign musical instruments, and the practice of prose and poetry also continued at the same time. The works Nazrul completed while in the Karachi cantonment include Boundul's Autobiography (first prose work), Mukti (first published poem); Stories: Henna, Donation of Pain, Meher Negar, Sleepy Ghore, Kavita Samadhi etc. Despite being in this Karachi cantonment, he was a subscriber to various literary magazines in Calcutta. These include Pravasi , Bharat Varsha , Bharti , Mansi, Marmmavani, Sabujpatra , Saugat and Bengali Muslim literary journals . During this time he had some books by Rabindranath Tagore , Saratchandra Chatterjee and Persian poet Hafiz . According to this source, it can be said that Nazrul's literary practice took place in this Karachi cantonment. He took part in the First World War while still a soldier . At that time, Nazrul's forces were supposed to go to Iraq . But as the war stopped, he did not go. When the war ended in 1920, the 49th Bengal Regiment was disbanded. He then left the military life and returned to Calcutta.

Journalist life

After the war, Nazrul came to Calcutta and started living in the office of Bengali Muslim Literary Society at 32 College Street . Muzaffar Ahmad, one of the officers of this association, lived with him . From here the main works of his literary-journalistic life began. Early on, some of his writings were published in Muslim Bharat , Bengali Muslim literary magazine , Upasana etc. These include the novel Bandhan Hara and the poems Bodhan, Shat-il-Arab, Badal Prater Sharab, Aghani, Kheya-parer Tarani, Qorbani, Muharram, Fateha-e-Dawazdm , these works are particularly appreciated in the literary field. In the wake of this, poet and critic Mohitlal Majumdar wrote a critical article in the Muslim Bharat newspaper praising both his Tarani of Kheya-par and Sharab Kavita of Badal Prat . From this, Nazrul's close acquaintance with prominent writers and critics of the country began. Kazi Motahar Hossain , Mozammel Haque , Kazi Abdul Odud , Muhammad Shahidullah , Afzalul Haque and others were introduced in the office of the Bengali Muslim Literary Society . Atulprasad Sen , Abanindranath Tagore , Satyendranath Dutta , Premankur Atarthi , Shishirkumar Bhaduri , Saratchandra Chattopadhyay , Nirmelandu Lahiri, Dhurjatiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Hemendrakumar Roy , Dinendranath Mukherjee became known due to their participation in the two popular literary gatherings of Calcutta , Charuchandra Banerjee, Ustad Karamtulla With Khan et al. In October 1921, he went to Santiniketan and met Rabindranath. From then till the death of Rabindranath they maintained good relations. Nazrul developed a special friendship with Kazi Motahar Hossain .

On 12th July, 1920, an evening daily newspaper called Navyug began to be published. Shere-Bangla A.K. was the editor of this magazine published in the context of non-cooperation and Khilafat movement. Nazrul started regular journalism through this newspaper Fazlul Haq . In the same year, he wrote an article titled " Who is responsible for killing Muhajireen " in this newspaper, for which the deposit of the newspaper was confiscated and Nazrul was placed under police surveillance. However, through journalism, he got an opportunity to witness the political and social conditions of that time. At the same time Muzaffar got the opportunity to gain direct experience in politics by joining various political meetings and associations with Ahmad. Poetry and music were practiced together through various small programs. Even then he did not start writing songs himself. However, Brahmo Samaj musician Mohini Sengupta was setting some of his poems to music and publishing them in newspapers with notation. These include: Maybe Tomar Paab Doha, Ore A Koon Sneh-Surdhuni - Her first song was published in the Baishakh issue of Sawagat Patrika dated 1327. The song was: " Bajao Prabhu Bajao Ghan ".

Family life

Around April-June 1921, Nazrul met the book publisher Ali Akbar Khan at the office of the Muslim Literary Society. With him he first came to Birjasundari Devi's house in Comilla. And here he met Pramila Devi with whom he first fell in love and later married.

But before that Nazrul got married to Ali Akbar Khan's sister Nargis Asar Khanum . After the marriage contract was completed, there was a dispute in Nazrul's house in Kabin regarding the condition of staying as a son-in-law. Nazrul Ghar refused to stay as a son-in-law and left Nargis before Basar was completed and moved to Birjasundari Devi's house in Comilla town. At that time Nazrul was very ill and Pramila Devi took care of Nazrul. At some point they got married.

Nazrul was a pioneer of communism. Despite being Muslim, he named four children in both Bengali and Arabic / Persian languages. Namely: Krishna Muhammad, Arindam Khaled (Bulbul), Kazi Sabyasachi and Kazi Aniruddha. 

Illness and death

Along with journalism, Nazrul was working in radio. At that time i.e. in 1942 he fell ill. He lost his speech. His illness was clearly known in July 1942 AD. After that he was mainly treated with homeopathy and Ayurvedic treatment. But there was no improvement in his condition. At that time he could be sent to Europe for neurosurgery. But it was not possible because of the Second World War. By the end of 1942, he also lost his mental balance. After that the Nazrul family spent a lot of time in India. They remained in hiding till 1952. In 1952, the poet and his wife were sent to a mental hospital in Ranchi . A leading role in this initiative was played by an organization formed for Nazrul's recovery called the Nazrul Healing Society , besides the cooperation of then famous Indian politician Shyamaprasad Mukhopadhyay . The poet stayed in Ranchi for four months.

Then in May 1953, Nazrul and Pramila Devi were sent to London for treatment. He left Howrah railway station for London on May 10. After reaching London several specialist doctors tried to diagnose him. Among them were: Russell Brain, William Segient and McKeesk - they met Nazrul three times. They were paid £ 250 for each session . According to Russell Brain, Nazrul's disease was incurable and impossible to cure. A group diagnosed Nazrul as suffering from " involutional psychosis ". Besides, Indian doctors living in Calcutta also formed a separate group. Both groups agreed that early treatment of the disease was inadequate and inadequate. Kabir underwent an X-ray called air encephalography at the London Clinic in London . It shows that the frontal lobe of his brain has shrunk. A number of doctors like Dr. McKisk thought it appropriate to use a procedure called the McKisk operation . However, Dr. Brain opposed it.

This time Nazrul's medical report was sent to famous doctors in Vienna. It was also sent to other important places in Europe. Neurosurgeon Professor Roentgen MacKissck of the University of Bonn in Germany opposed the operation. Doctors in Vienna also objected to this operation. They all refer to another test in which X-ray-visible dyes are taken in the blood vessels of the brain ( cerebral angiography ) - at the behest of the poet's well-wishers, he was admitted under the Viennese physician Dr. Hans Hoff . This doctor was one of the students of Nobel laureate physician Julius Wegener-Jauregg . The poet was examined on December 9, 1953. Dr. from the results. Hoff said the poet was definitely suffering from a neurodegenerative disorder called Pix's disease. The frontal and lateral lobes of the brain shrink in patients with this disease. He further said that it is impossible to cure the poet from the present condition. On 27 December 1953 Calcutta daily Jugantar published an article on Nazrul in Vienna , authored by Dr. Ashok Bagchi - who was staying in Vienna for higher studies and had direct knowledge of Nazrul's treatment. However, British doctors demanded huge fees for Nazrul's treatment whereas no doctor in other parts of Europe charged. Soon Nazrul returned home from Europe. After this, West Bengal Chief Minister Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy went to Vienna and Dr. Hear the details from Hans Hoff. All those who went to Europe with Nazrul left Rome for the country on 14 December 1953 .

Arrival and departure in Bangladesh

Bangladesh was established as an independent state in 1971 through the Bangladesh War of Independence . On May 24, 1972, Kavi Nazrul and his family were brought to Bangladesh with the permission of the Indian government. The then Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman took a special initiative in this regard. The poet spent the rest of his life in Bangladesh. In 1976, an official order was issued to grant Nazrul the citizenship of independent Bangladesh.

After that, despite considerable treatment, Nazrul's health did not improve. Kazi Aniruddha, the youngest son of the poet and famous guitarist, died in 1974 AD. In 1976, Nazrul's health also began to deteriorate. He spent the last days of his life in the PG Hospital of Dhaka . He died on 29 August 1976. Nazrul wrote in one of his songs, "Bury me next to the mosque, my brother / so that I can hear the muezzin's call from the gore":- Considering this wish of the poet, it was decided to bury the poet next to the Dhaka University Central Mosque and his tomb was constructed accordingly. But Pramila Devi's last wish was that her husband be buried next to her grave (at Nazrul's ancestral home in Churulia). But Pramila's last wish was not fulfilled.

More than 10,000 people participated in his funeral prayers . After the funeral prayers, President Abu Sadat Mohammad Sayem , Major General Ziaur Rahman , Royal Admiral MH Khan, Air Vice Marshal AG Mahmood, Major General Dastgir carried the body of Nazrul from Suhrawardy Maidan to the university mosque premises carrying the national flag. A two-day state mourning day was observed in Bangladesh to mark his death, and a minute's silence was observed in the Indian legislature in honor of the poet.

Literary works

On his way back from Comilla to Calcutta in December 1921, Nazrul produced two revolutionary literary works. These two are rebellious poetry and breaking song music. They completely changed the genre of Bengali poetry and music. Nazrul gained most popularity for his rebellious poetry. Another famous poem written around the same time is Kamal Pasha - which reflects Nazrul's view of the futility of the Indian Muslim Khilafat movement and contemporary international historical consciousness. In 1922, his famous poetry collection Agniveena was published. This poetry book is able to create a newness in Bengali poetry, through this the world of Bengali poetry changes. The first edition was out of stock soon after its publication. Several new editions were published successively. Some of the most popular poems in this anthology include: " Pralyolas, Aghani, Kheyapar's Tarani, Shat-il-Arab, Rebel , Kamal Pasha " etc. They turned the tide of Bengali poetry. His children's poetry has brought beauty to Bengali poetry . The poet said in his poem Man :

"A bunch of hypocrites worship the book, fools listen to everything / People brought the book, people did not bring the book.

"He composed many Shyama songs on Goddess Kali, also composed Islamic ghazals.


Nazrul directed a film called 'Dhupchaya'. He also played a role in it. In 1931, he was the composer of the first Bengali Sabak film 'Jamai Shasthi' and the film 'Grihadah' based on Saratchandra Chattopadhyay's story. He was the lyricist and music director of the 1933 film 'Dhruv' produced by Pioneer Films Company and the composer and music director of the 1937 film 'Graher Pher'. Nazrul was the music director of the film 'Patalpuri' released in 1935 and the film 'Gora' made in 1938 based on Rabindranath Tagore's novel. He was the story writer and composer of the film 'Sapude' released in 1939. Nazrul was the lyricist of the films 'Rajat Jayanti', 'Nandini', 'Abhinay', 'Dikshool'. Nazrul was the lyricist, composer and music director of the film 'Chowrangi'. Although Chowrangi was made in Hindi, he wrote 7 Hindi songs for it.

Political philosophy

Nazrul had given up his military life and was living with Muzaffar Ahmad in the office of the Bengal Muslim Literary Society . Muzaffar Ahmad was the pioneer of socialist movement in this country. Nazrul's political consciousness began to develop from here. He used to participate in various political meetings and speeches with Muzaffar Ahmad. From this time he became familiar with socialist ideals. The Russian Socialist Revolution of 1917 affected him in many ways. He published a collection of communist and proletarian poems in his Langal and Ganabani magazines. Along with this, he published a translation of the Communist International called Jag Ashan Bandi Oth Re Jat - Blood flag song based on Red Flag was published in his newspaper .

Then the non-cooperation movement led by Mahatma Gandhi and the Khilafat movement led by Maulana Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali - The objective of the non-cooperation movement was the peaceful withdrawal of the British from India. And the purpose of the Khilafat movement was to maintain the medieval feudal system in Turkey , because the head of this integrated sultanate system, the Sultan of Turkey, was recognized by almost all Muslims as the Caliph of the Muslim world. Nazrul did not believe in the ideals of these two movements. He believed in achieving freedom i.e. swaraj through armed revolution which was contrary to Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy. Again, Nazrul supported the movement led by Mustafa Kemal Pasha to overthrow the Sultanate of Turkey and build a new Turkey. Still he joined the non-cooperation and Khilafat movements. This was because this struggle was being considered as an integral part of the collective anti-imperialist struggle of the two Indian Hindu Muslims.

But by all accounts Nazrul was most influenced by Kamal Pasha in his conception of state meditation. Nazrul thought that what the Muslims of Turkey have been able to do in their country, why would it not be possible in the Indian subcontinent? Nazrul's position was strict against dogma, conservatism, bigotry, superstition. And the biggest influence behind his position was Kamal Pasha. As such, the hero of his life was Kamal Pasha. Nazrul also attempted to play a similar role in his rebel career. It is to be noted that in the month of September 1921, the first Socialist Party of India was formed in the house where Muzaffar Ahmad and Nazrul Taltala were staying. Nazrul was also influenced by the Russian Socialist Revolution of 1917. But he himself never became a member of this party, though Comrade Muzaffar was his close friend for life.

He tried to participate in the National Assembly elections of the 1920s. First he went to Calcutta to gain support from the Congress. But not getting much response from Congress, he decided to go it alone. He did not get much success in the elections. After that, his political views continued to be expressed through literature, but his active participation in politics declined.



There is a private Nazrul-charcha center named "Nazrul Academy" at Churulia in the state of West Bengal, India . Kazi Nazrul University was established in 2012 in Asansol metropolis near Churulia .  The international airport near Asansol in Durgapur metropolis is named Kazi Nazrul Islam International Airport . The main road connecting Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport to the capital Kolkata in North Twenty-four Parganas district is named Kazi Nazrul Islam Sarani . Kolkata Metro's Garia Bazar Metro Station is named " Kabi Nazrul Metro Station ".

In 1945, Nazrul was awarded the Jagattarini Gold Medal , the highest award in Bengali literature by Calcutta University. India's third highest civilian award, the Padma Bhushan , was conferred in 1960.


Kazi Nazrul Islam was given the status of National Poet of Bangladesh in 1974 .His composition " Chal Chal Chal, Urdhagagane Baje Madal " is adopted as the battle song of Bangladesh. Nazrul's birth and death anniversaries are specially celebrated every year. A public university named Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University was established in 2005 at Nazrul's memorial Trishal ( in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh). Nazrul Academy , Bulbul Lalitkala Academy and children's organization Bangladesh Nazrul Sena were established in the memory of the poet in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh . Besides, the research institute Nazrul Institute has been officially established - a main road in Dhaka city has been named Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue .

In recognition of his special contribution to Bengali literature and culture, he was awarded an honorary D.Litt degree by Dhaka University on 9 December 1974 . He was conferred this title in a convocation of the university. In January 1976, the Bangladesh government granted the poet Bangladeshi citizenship. He was awarded the Ekushey Padak on 21 February of the same year. The Ekushey Medal is considered the second civilian honorary medal of Bangladesh.