
Our men think earning money and ordering around others is where power lies. They don't think power is in the hands of the woman who takes care of everyone all day long, and gives birth to their children. ― Malala Yousafzai

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Listen to the cry of a woman in labor at the hour of giving birth — look at the dying man’s struggle at his last extremity, and then tell me whether something that begins and ends thus could be intended for enjoyment. ― Soren Kierkegaard
The distribution of cultures in the world reflects the distribution of power. Trade may or may not follow the flag, but culture almost always follows power. ― Samuel P. Huntington
There are people who have money and people who are rich. ― Coco Chanel
If through a broken heart God can bring His purposes to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking your heart. ― Oswald Chambers
Pessimism leads to weakness. Optimism leads to power. — William James
Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. ― Samuel Taylor Coleridge
There is no need to fear the strong. All one needs is to know the method of overcoming them. There is a special jujitsu for every strong man.
You can have it all. You just can’t have it all at once. — Oprah Winfrey
You must learn to take a step back and visualize the whole piece. If you focus only on the thread given to you, you lose sight of what it can become. ― Colleen Houck
The strength of a man isn't seen in the power of his arms. It's seen in the love with which he EMBRACES you. ― Steve Maraboli