
You see, doing one thing differently is very often the same as doing everything differently. ― Matt Haig

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I saw the years of my life spaced along a road in the form of telephone poles threaded together by wires. I counted one, two, three... nineteen telephone poles, and then the wires dangled into space, and try as I would, I couldn't see a single pole beyond the nineteenth. ― Sylvia Plath
I have wanted only one thing to make me happy. That thing is everything. ― Sebastian Horsley
I will do nothing lightly. When I walk, I will walk heavily. When I fight, I will fight with conviction. When I speak, I will speak strongly. When I feel, I will feel everything. When I love, I will love with everything. — Evan Tanner
Don't be different just for different's sake. If you see it differently, function that way. Follow your own muse, always. ― Morgan Freeman
I missed you, Angel. Not one day went by that I didn't feel you missing from my life. You haunted me to the point that I began to believe Hank had gone back on his oath and killed you. I couldn't escape you and I didn't want to. You tortured me, but it was better than losing you. ― Becca Fitzpatrick
Being happy isn’t having everything in your life be perfect. Maybe it’s about stringing together all the little things. — Ann Brashares
They both listened silently to the water, which to them was not just water, but the voice of life, the voice of Being, the voice of perpetual Becoming. ― Hermann Hesse
I am the sum total of everything that went before me, of all I have been seen done, of everything done-to-me. I am everyone everything whose being-in-the-world affected was affected by mine. I am anything that happens after I'm gone which would not have happened if I had not come.
Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. - George Addair
Everything you can imagine is real. ― Pablo Picasso