
Happiness does not completely depend on comforts or opulence. Even a pauper can be happier than a prince. ― Ogwo David Emenike

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The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage. – Albert Camus
You can enjoy a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness in life despite challenging circumstances. It's all in how you think about it. ― Kristi Bowman
There is only one way to happiness: To be content with what you possess. ― Mouloud Benzadi
Every person has the power to make others happy. Some do it simply by entering a room others by leaving the room. Some individuals leave trails of gloom; others, trails of joy. Some leave trails of hate and bitterness; others, trails of love and harmony. Some leave trails of cynicism and pessimism; others trails of faith and optimism. Some leave trails of criticism and resignation; others trails of gratitude and hope. What kind of trails do you leave?
Happiness is a nothingness without completeness. ― Hlovate
Forgive yourself for not having the foresight to know what seems so obvious in hindsight. – Judy Belmont
The safest way of not being very miserable is not to expect to be very happy.
Indeed, man wishes to be happy even when he so lives as to make happiness impossible. _ Saint Augustine
The older you get the better you get… unless you’re a banana. – Betty White
As you go on with your life, always remember the things that are good in you. They're your gifts. As long as you have these things, you'll find happiness, and you'll make the people around you happy. ― Genki Kawamura