
One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.― Helen Keller

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Do not look for rest in any pleasure, because you were not created for pleasure: you were created for joy. And if you do not know the difference between pleasure and joy you have not yet begun to live.
It's very easy for a couple to experience joy together. But when you experience pain together, it can lead to such depth and such union. That is when you fuse.
Do it for joy and you can do it forever
Find joy in the journey.
Oh, God, to know you is life. To serve You is freedom. To praise you is the soul's joy and delight. Guard me with the power of Your grace here and in all places. Now and at all times, forever. Amen.
Comparison is the thief of joy.
To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.― Mark Twain
You have choice. You can select joy over despair. You can select happiness over tears. You can select action over apathy. You can select growth over stagnation. You can select you. And you can select life. And it's time that people tell you you're not at the mercy of forces greater than yourself. You are, indeed, the greatest force for you.
Oh, Lizzy! do anything rather than marry without affection.― Jane Austen
Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.