
It's Friday morning mankind!Good vibe,Don't Frown and let the monster see you smile! ― Napz Cherub Pellazo

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Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back. ― Marcus Aurelius
I’ve got nothing to do today but smile. — Paul Simon
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.― Thich Nhat Hanh
The essence of life is the smile of round female bottoms, under the shadow of cosmic boredom.
Oh! It’s Friday again. Share the love that was missing during the week, In a worthy moment of peace and bliss. ― S. O' Sade
It was an ordinary day, a Friday, twenty minutes til lunchtime, five hours til quitting time and the weekend, ten months til vacation, thirty-seven years til retirement. Then the phone rang. ― Jack Finney
After shopping the online Black Friday sales, I found that my computer was infested with junk that was making it run really slow. ― Steven Magee
It's hard not to feel happy when you make someone smile. ― Roy T. Bennett
A smile is the best makeup a girl could wear ― Marilyn monroe
I think the part of media that romanticizes criminal behavior, things that a person will say against women, profanity, being gangster, having multiple children with multiple men and women and not wanting to is prevalent. When you look at the majority of shows on television they placate that kind of behavior. If you go through a weekly Monday through Friday, it's all there. It's in how people on the sitcoms and cop shows talk to each other. — Bill Cosby