
A smile is the best makeup a girl could wear ― Marilyn monroe

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Coming from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! ― Stan Lee
There are two days in the year that you cannot do anything: YESTERDAY & TOMORROW: Only TODAY you can Be Happy, Smile, Dream, Love, Feel, & Be Thankful… ― Pablo
Alan Ladd was a marvelous person in his simplicity. In so many ways we were kindred spirits. We both were professionally conceived through Hollywood's search for box office and the types to insure the box office. And we were both little people. Alan wasn't as short as most people believe. It was true that in certain films Alan would climb a small platform or the girl worked in a slit trench. We had no such problems together.
She was trouble, chaos really, but her smile, her smile dared me to fall in love with her. — Atticus
Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody.
It's hard not to feel happy when you make someone smile. ― Roy T. Bennett
if you feel happy, Smile with all your heart. if you're down, smile with all your might. ― Paul Ian Guillermo
The essence of life is the smile of round female bottoms, under the shadow of cosmic boredom.
Never regret anything that made you smile. — Mark Twain
I wanna work with my girl Maliibu Miitch. I love Maliibu. I definitely wanna work with Beyonce, Rihanna. I'm a huge fan of Rihanna and Beyonce, so that's like my dream collab. - Megan Thee Stallion