
The saddest thing for a girl to do is to dumb herself down for a guy.

More Quotes by Emma Watson
Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do, or cannot achieve. Do. Not. Allow. It.
Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love.
The difficulty for me is that I'm interested in so many different things. I could never really imagine myself doing one thing, and I'm pretty sure that I'll end up doing four or five different things
We really damage our own confidence when we put ourselves down, so I try not to.
If you believe in equality, you're a feminist. Sorry to tell you
I really believe that you have to earn things. I don't feel comfortable unless I have worked really hard.
I think that it is very important if you know what you want, understand where you are heading towards, and try your best to get it. It is only when we use our hearts to do it, and fall in love with what we are doing, then can we really get real determination.
Don't be ashamed if you don't like what others pretend to love
Gender equality, historically has been predominantly a women's movement for women. But I think the impact of gender inequality and how it's affecting men hasn't really been addressed.
Girls should never be afraid to be smart